Downtown Investment Authority Boundary MapDIA Boundary

Downtown Investment Authority Boundary MapDowntown Districts

Downtown Master Plan Graphic as Part of DIA BID PlanDowntown Master Plan

Map of Downtown Showing Parks & Civic UsesDowntown Parks & Civic Uses

Map of Downtown Showing Mobility ProjectsDowntown Mobility

DIA TIF BoundariesDowntown Tax Increment Finance Districts: Tax increment finance (TIF) is a unique tool used to leverage public funds to promote private-sector activity in targeted areas. In 2000, the boundaries of the Northside West Community Redevelopment Area and Downtown East CRA were merged into a single Northbank Downtown CRA (Ordinance 2000-1078-E), and their respective Redevelopment Trust Funds were also merged. However, separate accounting records are maintained with respect to each of the former areas in order to calculate accurate increment revenues from each geographic area because they have different base years when each CRA was established, and also in order to assure that any outstanding indebtedness payable from increment revenues in each former area at the time the merger took place is repaid only from the increment revenue derived from such former area, respectively. The TIF map shown here illustrates the three original TIF Districts in Downtown Jacksonville.

A map showing the different DIA Retail Enhancement Program areas in Downtown JacksonvilleDowntown Retail Enhancement Grant Program: The Downtown Investment Authority's Retail Enhancement Program helps retail business expand and locate within Downtown by offering financial assistance for permanent tenant improvements. 

DIA Northbank Sidewalk Vending Boundary MapNorthbank Sidewalk Vendor Locations: Downtown vending may be done only on sites listed and located on the Northbank and Southbank Vending locations. For additional information and/or questions regarding vending locations, please contact Susan Kelly or or 904-255-5307.

DIA Southside Sidewalk Vending BoundarySouthbank Sidewalk Vendor Locations: Downtown vending may be done only on sites listed and located on the Northbank and Southbank Vending locations. For additional information and/or questions regarding vending locations, please contact Susan Kelly or or 904-255-5307.

A map of the Downtown Jacksonville Historic District. The map identifies the district boundary, contributing structures, and non-contributing structures.Downtown Jacksonvile Historic District: Identifies Downtown Jacksonville's historic district boundary, as well as contributing and non-contributing structures within the historic boundary.