About the Grant
The Parking Screening Grant assists with the costs of compliance with landscaping and screening requirements of §656.361.6.2.L for accessory and on-site surface parking facilities. Applicants may be the owner of record or building management entity. Eligiblity and uses are as follows:
Available to applicants whose property is deemed out of compliance, or applicants with compliant properties who are proposing to utilize the program to make landscaping and hardscaping enhancements that have been determined by the DIA Chief Executive Officer to be beneficial to the health, safety and welfare of the public (e.g., replacement of palm trees with shade trees)
May be used for fencing, screening, landscaping, buffers, hardscaping, etc., necessary for code compliance or for similar enhancements for which the Downtown Development Review Board has granted a deviation for regulatory requirements.
May not be used for costs associated with compliance with other portions of the Ordinance Code (e.g., ADA spaces), nor for compliance with other federal, state or local regulations (e.g., stormwater)
May not be used in conjunction with the creation of a new or expanded surface parking facility, nor for commercial surface parking lots
May only be used on accessory and on-site parking facilities that have been properly permitted and, at the time they were created, were a lawful use
In addition, a Parking Screening Grant payment is predicated on:
The Downtown Development Review Board staff having reviewed and found landscape and hardscape plans compliant with the Ordinance Code, or the Downtown Development Review Board approving a deviation
All property taxes on the project site being paid and current
No contractor liens, no outstanding liens (other than mortgages), and no outstanding code violations at the project address at the time of application and at the time that the request for reimbursement is submitted
A signed agreement for funding assistance having been executed by the Downtown Investment Authority and the applicant prior to the commencement of any work to be covered under this program. No grants will be awarded retroactively
All site improvements complying with all applicable city codes and ordinances, as well as state and federal regulations (if applicable) and
Work following the permitted or approved plans and specifications and having been completed within six months (180 calendar days) from the execution date of a Parking Screening Grant Agreement unless that completion horizon has been extended by the DIA Chief Executive Officer
If after 180 calendar days from the execution date of a Parking Screening Grant, unless extended by the DIA Chief Executive Officer, who may extend Parking Screening Grants for up to an additional 90 calendar days, the improvements are not completed:
The agreement and funding will become null and void without further action by DIA
The property will be subject to immediate code enforcement action
The applicant will not be eligible for another Parking Screening Grant for that property
Parking Screening Grant Funding Tiers
Tier 1 Funding
A Parking Screening Grant Agreement must have been executed on or by June 30, 2023, with all work completed pursuant to the Agreement on or by March 26, 2024.
Tier 1 Funding will pay for:
Up to 75% of the costs of materials and labor, excluding soft costs and permit costs, with a maximum award of up to $100,000, providing that an applicant has not sought a deviation
Up to 50% of the costs of materials and labor, excluding soft costs and permit costs, with a maximum award of up to $50,000 for applicants granted a deviation by the DDRB.
Tier 2 Funding
A Parking Screening Grant Agreement executed after June 30, 2023, but before May 17, 2024.
Tier 2 Funding will pay for:
Up to 50% of the costs of materials and labor, excluding soft costs and permit costs, with a maximum award of up to $50,000, providing that an applicant has not sought a deviation
Up 25% of the costs of materials and labor, excluding soft costs and permit costs, with a maximum award of up to $25,000 for applications granted a deviation from the DDRB
Note: the requirement to come into compliance on or by July 1, 2024, cannot be extended through the execution of a Parking Screening Grant Agreement. Those properties that remain out of compliance on July 1, 2024, shall be subject to immediate Code Enforcement action.
Parking Screening Grant Agreement
The DIA is authorized under this program to create applications, agreements and other forms and require information and documentation as the Chief Executive Officer deems necessary to implement this program while exercising the DIA’s fiduciary responsibilities. This program and funding awards may be implemented administratively or as otherwise dictated by the DIA Board.
Program Documents
This grant and application are currently unavilable.
Note: The Parking Screening Grant application is accompanied by the DIA's Project Profile Assessment Form. Both must be complete prior to submitting the information to the DIA. Thank you for your cooperation.
Program Contact
Steven T. Kelley, DBA
Director of Downtown Real Estate and Development