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Allan DeVault

Project Manager
Phone: (904) 255-5393
Address: 117 W. Duval St. #310 Jacksonville, FL 32202
Allan is a Jacksonville native who comes to the DIA after serving as the Executive Director of Build Up Downtown, an advocacy organization he helped launch in 2021.
He spent most of his career in the restaurant and hospitality industry, where his achievements included launching such restaurants as Black Sheep, BLK SHP at Intuition and Bellwether. As a Managing Partner in the Black Sheep Restaurant Group, he led a building development effort in which he coordinated efforts between the team’s owner and multiple other stakeholders, including city agencies and surrounding neighbors, to construct the Black Sheep restaurant building at 1534 Oak Street.
Additionally, he spearheaded a successful effort to change state law pertaining to seating and liquor licenses for full-serve restaurants in the Five Points district and has since assisted in similar initiatives in seven other urban-core neighborhoods. Those projects gave Allan an increasing awareness in the potential and growth of Downtown Jacksonville, which led him to leave the food and beverage business and devote his efforts to the Downtown redevelopment movement.
As DIA Project Manager, Allan oversees various Downtown programs and incentives, particularly those targeting small businesses, food and beverage establishments and retail operations. He also takes a lead role in policy development and strategic planning coordination and implementation.